Best 18v Cordless drill – What to Choose?

best 18v cordless drill

A cordless drill is a very versatile tool. An 18v cordless drill is a powerful tool that easily drills through hard surfaces such as concrete or wood. Below are a few tips to guide you when buying the best 18v cordless drill.

1. What is the task at hand

Cordless drills are very specific when it comes to the surfaces they can drill and the voltage rating. An easy way of knowing such facts is reading through cordless drill reviews. Below is a breakdown of some of the popular reviews.

The cordless drill/driver

This tool happens to be very popular with very unique attributes. The design incorporates the use of a clutch system that allows users to shift speeds during drilling. The device also comes with a very reliable hammer drill feature.

Cordless right-angle drill driver

Unlike most drills, this kind of a drill has a right-angled gearing which powers up the chunk at a 90° angle to the motor shafts rotating end. The essence of this is to reduce the distance between the chunk tip and the surface one wishes to drill. With such a short chunk tip, the drill is easy to maneuver and work within tiny spaces.

Cordless impact driver

The characteristic feature of this type of a drill is the tap tap sound it produces as it operates. The sound is as a result of the impact between the internal mechanisms of the device as they constantly strike the rotating shaft as the drill operates. Even though powerful, the drill is very light and compact minimizing the chances of it stripping your screws.

Cordless screwdriver

This kind of a drill happens to be small, lightweight and very handy when using small screws. The drill is easy to hold and gives users minimal fatigue. The drill, however, has a slow drilling speed.


One has to make a choice between buying a full cordless drill kit or getting each of the components such as the charger and battery separately. Buying a full kit is the cheapest alternative when faced with such a dilemma.

2. Get a tool that is comfortable to hold

Drilling can be a tedious task and you want to minimize fatigue as much as possible. Before buying a drill hold it first. You will get a feel of how easy it is to grasp and if it fits your wrist size.

3. The power rating of the device

The amount of torque you get from a drill is dependent on the power supplied from the battery. Interestingly, the more powerful a drill is the more it is going to weigh. An 18volt drill is best suited for heavy duty task.

4. The size of the chunk

The size of a bit shank that can fit into a cordless drill is purely dependent on the size of the chunk. The standard chunk size is ½ an inch but based on the size of the holes you plan to drill, one can get a drill with a bigger or smaller chunk size.

5. Speed of the drill

The speed of a drill is influenced by the amount of torque it has to produce. Low torque drills operate at speeds of about 300 to 400rpm while high torque drills rotate at speeds of 1200 to 1500 rpm. Go for a cordless drill with an electronic gadget that varies speed based on the loading.

6. The clutch

A cordless drill with a clutch system is very efficient. The clutch regulates the level of resistance based on the driving force. The clutch also has an alert mechanism that makes a rapid sound when there is excessive resistance so that the user can stop applying any additional force. This feature is very innovative as it minimizes stripping of screws and overheating of a drill.

7. Batteries and charger

A cordless drill relies on the battery for power. Today lithium-ion batteries are commonly preferred due to their superior qualities when it comes to performance. Ni-cad is one of the most popular brands that we have in the market. It is less costly, has a high capacity and stores power for a relatively longer period of time. Today one can also buy fast charging batteries. Even though they are more expensive and require one to use special chargers, the batteries take less time to charge.

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