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Heat Press Ink Jet Transfers

I have discussed the publication of print-on-demand (POD) t-shirts in previous articles and have talked about how you will use online systems like Cafe Press to start your own business with little out-of-pocket costs and a couple of good ideas. I still recommend using these systems thanks to their relatively simple use and low startup cost, but there are other options available. I discussed Direct to Garment (DTG) printers in another article, which is what Cafe Press uses to print their shirts and talked about the high cost associated with them. 

If you bought one of these machines, it would cost you a minimum of $16,000 for a second-hand machine. If someone finds one for less money and in good shape, send me an email, as I would like to be aware of the declining prices within the DTG subsection of this business. It is my opinion that if these machines were cheaper, they could be the simplest option for people curious about the t-shirt design business. It has the power to print a shirt of your design template and see how it looks printed on the material. There is simply no substitution for this. It will expand your image in Cafe Press, and you will get a sincere pity of what you will get, but when you print your design, the color palette will be based on CMYK, and on your screen, the images will be based on RGB. RGB, of course, means red, green, blue in which most people are familiar. The CMYK color circle maybe a little less known, but the one used in printing. If you are loading your RGB image into Cafe Press, it will be converted to CMYK for printing and some colors may have a special appearance. This is not a big problem immediately; otherwise, Cafe Press would address this problem if people returned the merchandise because it was not a color equivalent to what they thought they were receiving. However, there is a difference within the two-color wheels, and you must remember at least the difference. 

Most of you surely realize that Plastisols heat transfers, which are a sheet of paper on which the ink is distributed, then, using a heat press, are transferred to the garment. You will have company that will make them from your designs if you want to try your custom shirts from your home or office, but an equivalent problem arises against such as printing on demand thanks to the fact that you simply cannot see all the colors you would have if you printed it directly on the shirt. Let us tell you that it has an excellent design with multiple colors that is simply certain that it will sell like gangbusters. Upload your design to the company of your choice and print 500 heat transfers along with your design on them. A short time later you get the designs and enthusiastically press your first shirt, and it doesn’t seem like you were what you wanted. Perhaps a planning neighborhood is too light or dark. Maybe the text is too small, or the stroke of the text is too thin. 

The bottom line is that now you are cursed with 500 transfers for which you simply paid good money and are not proud of the planning. Along comes an alternative option that will rescue you from the previous scenario and avoid a lot of time and money. We present the heat transfer by inkjet. What? Yes, you read it correctly, heat transfer by inkjet. You will now buy blank Plastisols transfers and run them through your standard inkjet printer to print your image. I can hear the gears in your head spinning. I know that mine was the first time I heard this. You are probably thinking that you will simply abandon the print on demand option and use that standard printer to print shirts, which will allow you to sell them for less money than print on demand. 

Well, that’s where I started going too, but trust those companies like Cafe Press are printing, sending, advertising and accepting credit cards for you, not to mention the fact that they are a company presence with a website. It attracts many customers. After contacting the company that creates these transfers for more information, I developed an inventory of other concerns and problems. 

* The value of ordinary ink must be taken into account and is not cheap. 

* I was not convinced that the standard was almost as good as its other transfers and that you don’t want an inferior product along with your name related to it. 

* How long did you last your last printer? Home printers are not designed to print in large quantities or last for a long time. I still have to find a printer that impresses me with longevity. I imagine that it is due to this lack of absorption that the pigment is the best option. Then you will wonder why I mention this method if I don’t think it is a viable option. Well, I think it’s a great option, but not to create your shirts that can be bought. If you have a heat press machine or want to urge one to think about using inkjet transfers to test your designs. Imagine having the ability to print a pretty good quality image of your design and warmth by pressing it on a shirt. The advantages of that could be enormous! 

* You will confirm that the text was the right size. 

* will ensure that the colors begin in the way you anticipate. 

* You will show it to friends and family in a shirt instead of a screen and get opinions and criticisms. 

* You will use your design in public and see the reactions of people about it, along with the name of your website on the back. 

Inkjet transfer papers may become a much better option in years to return, but I immediately feel that it is an excellent option to test your designs. I could avoid some headaches and possible product returns in the future. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Happy design! New and exciting advances in t-shirt design and printing are happening rapidly and are creating very exciting opportunities for people new to this business. I like the option of the inkjet printer as I mentioned earlier and I think you should check this if you allow it. It is not for everyone, but you will get a heat press for around $300 and, therefore, inkjet transfers are around $1 per sheet. Take approximately 50 and try those amazing new designs that you will surely find.

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