Some Tips On Designing Log Beds

If you are looking for something different for the bedrooms in your home, then you should give a log bed design a try. No matter where you live, your kids will love the look of a log bed, and it does not have to fit in with the rest of the room decor.

If you have a rural theme going, or you really want to keep a consistent look for your log cabin or your log home, then a log bed is a great idea. You can buy kits for these kinds of bed frames, or you can build your own. If you intend to build your own, then there are a few tips you should keep in mind.

Dry the Wood

If you go cutting down trees to make log beds and then start working with the wood right away, you will run into two problems. The first problem is that the wood under the bark will be very wet and hard to work with. The other problem is that you may have little critters living in the wood that you do not want in your home.

Professional designers dry the wood properly before they start working with it. There is a process involved in drying wood that you should become familiar with if you want to take on this project. You need to keep the wood elevated off the floor and in a warm, dry place. You will be able to tell when the wood is ready to be cut into boards. You may want to treat the wood with pesticides to get rid of unwanted visitors.

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Simple is Good

The attraction of a log bed is not necessarily the durability of a frame made from strong logs. The attraction is the look of the logs as they are crafted into a simple but effective bed frame. You can use the most basic construction designs for these kinds of beds and it will still get you amazing results. You do not need to be overly complicated or elaborate with log beds for them to be effective.

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Make it Portable

Log bed frames tend to be much larger than standard, metal frames. The other difference is that standard metal frames are easy to disassemble and then reassemble in the bedroom. You need to keep portability in mind as you are putting your frame together. You do not want to spend weeks building a great log bed frame in your workshop only to realize that it will not fit through the door. Build it in stages and allow those stages to be easily disassembled and then reassembled in a different room.

When you have a particular theme going on in your home decor, you want to use furniture pieces that will enhance that theme. A rural design scheme would be significantly enhanced by log bed frames. The colour of natural wood among the other natural wood features of your home would make the bed look like it belonged there all along.

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